SCUBA QUIZ: What Do You Know About Sharks?
Have you ever seen a shark while diving? They are magnificent creatures, on top of the marine food chain and unfortunately often misunderstood. Test your knowledge about sharks and see if you can answer these 10 questions right!
Are the Following Shark Facts True or False?
- A shark is a fish. True, sharks belong to the fish family called Chondrichthyes.
- There are over 500 shark species known. False, there are between 400 and 450 shark species known - still pretty impressive!
- Soon after their birth, sharks pups swim away from their mother to live on their own. True.
- The smallest shark species does not grow bigger than 20 cm / 8 inch. True, this is the Dwarf Lanternshark (Etmopterus perryi).
- Sharks have numerous rows of teeth. True, Bull sharks even have around 50 rows of teeth.
- All sharks eat fish. False, Whale sharks and Basking sharks are filter-feeders for example, eating mostly plankton.
- Some sharks must keep swimming day and night to stay alive. True, some sharks need to keep moving to keep oxygen-rich water flowing over their gills (whale sharks for example), others sharks pump the water through their mouths and can lay on the sand (nurse sharks for example).
- The Portuguese shark lives in deep water True, the Portuguese dogfish or Portuguese shark is one of the deepest-living shark species, living below 800 meter / 2600 foot. This shark species has even been recorded at 3.7 km (2.3 miles)!
- Sharks can detect electricity. True, sharks have the ability to sense electric effects, like water movement by a fish. They use this sixth sense to find food and mates.
- All sharks can live in aquariums. False, there are shark species that can not adapt to living in a small space or the stress it causes, like a great white shark.

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Marlies Wolters
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"

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