SCUBA QUIZ: How Deep Can You Go?
How deep is the ocean? How deep can light penetrate in the ocean? How deep has a human ever been in the ocean? Can you guess the right depths of these and other questions in this quiz?
The deep ocean is mysterious. Where no natural light can penetrate strange life forms are around. From the blobfish (world's ugliest animal?) to deep sea angler fish that lure prey with a little 'light' (bioluminescence) at the end of their long dorsal fin. Yes, the one from the movie NEMO. But, what depth are we talking about? What are the extreme depths of the ocean?

Deep sea Anglerfish
Can you guess the right depths?
- The average depth of the ocean is about 4 km / 12.000 feet
- The deepest point of the ocean is in the Western-Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench's Challenger Deep, about 11 km / 36.000 feet deep.
- Trick question: Humans have been to the deepest point of the ocean three times, so again 11 km / 36.000 feet. Director James Cameron (Titanic/Avatar) arrived at the Mariana Trench's Challenger Deep in 2012.
- Sunlight can travel to about 1000 m / 3.181 feet under the right conditions, but there is almost no light beyond 200 m / 656 feet.
- Beaked whales are the deepest diving animals in the world. One exceptional whale dove to almost 3 KM / 9.842 feet and stayed down for 138 minutes.
How many did you got right?

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Marlies Wolters
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"

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