Do you think you know something about SCUBA diving?! Test your knowledge here and impress your friends!
Click on the buttons below for the questions and answers! Good luck!

Have you ever seen a shark while diving? They are magnificent creatures, on top of the marine food chain and unfortunately often misunderstood. Test your knowledge about sharks and see if you can answer these 10 questions right!

Are you a fan of dive related movies and documentaries about our oceans? Have you seen a few? Test your knowledge about SCUBA diving movies by guessing the right names!

The age of fish, especially of those we eat, is important for keeping a population healthy. Do you have any idea how you can guess their age? Try this quiz and discover how old various fish species get.

Do you think you know something about corals? Test your knowledge and impress your dive buddies! No need for scientific names, this quiz is easy and fun!

How deep is the ocean? How deep can light penetrate in the ocean? How deep has a human ever been in the ocean? Can you guess the right depths of these and other questions in this quiz?

One of the risks involved with diving under pressure is decompression illness. There are two diseases related to decompression illness: Decompression sickness and arterial gas embolism. Can you separate the two in this quiz?

Some people have made it to the Guinness Book of World Records while SCUBA Diving. Can you guess the right numbers to these impressive underwater performances?

Chasing coral is a recently released Netflix documentary about the rate that coral reefs are vanishing around the world. This quiz tests how much you know about coral reefs!

You think you know something about marine life? Test your knowledge and impress your dive buddies! Learn to identify more fish. No need for scientific names, this quiz is easy and fun!

Have you ever wondered what wetsuit you need for a dive trip? There are some standards for SCUBA diving, although it depends on many factors. Learn more about selecting the right wetsuit and test your SCUBA knowledge!

Have you ever heard of the Coral Triangle? The Coral Triangle is often referred to as the Amazon underwater. Learn more about this beautiful region and test your SCUBA knowledge!

Do you remember what exactly happens with the pressure while scuba diving? Guess the density and volume at different depths! Some basic physics of SCUBA diving. Test your SCUBA knowledge here.

Trash in the ocean can take decades to breakdown in the ocean, can you give the right estimate in years? Test your SCUBA knowledge here.

You think you know something about marine life? Test your knowledge and impress your dive buddies! Learn to identify more fish and other marine life. No need for scientific names, this quiz is easy and fun!

71% of the earth is covered by water. There is only one global or world ocean, one connected body of salt water on our planet. Although there are various definitions and number of oceans depending on the criteria you use there are five major oceans. These oceans are further defined as seas, bays, gulfs and more.

There are over a hundred recreational SCUBA certification agencies around the world, some local and some global. Various course lengths, structures and prices can be found. There are even profit and non-profit dive agencies.

Having your own SMB can be a life saver and they become more and more popular as a 'standard' piece of dive equipment. Nowadays it is part of learning how to dive with the most recreational dive organizations. In some countries it is even obliged by law that every diver has its own, like in the Maldives.

All over the world dive instructors apply the beer fine law for common 'mistakes' made by new divers. Being penalized with buying a beer (or chocolate, candy, etc) for your instructor is NOT a real punishment but it gives the SCUBA course a funny twist while learning new things. Beer fines are there for a reason!

Learn to identify more fish and other marine life! No need for scientific names, this quiz is easy and fun! Do you know the names of the sea creatures?

The right amount of lead on your weight-belt is important to dive comfortably. You do not want to sink like a rock and use your air to compensate this. Struggling to go down or holding on to a rock during your safety stop might even be worse.

Do you have any clue what part of a SCUBA set the SPG is? Do you know what the abbreviation stands for and why you need one?

When you are selecting your dive gear somebody might ask you what kind of BCD you want. To answer that question you need to know what a BCD is and where you use it for when SCUBA diving.

One of the first things you learn in diving and maybe one of the first to forget, until you are at a Birthday party and somebody asks you what SCUBA actually means...