Learn all about the Mediterranean Sea in Cabo de Palos!
The area around Cabo de Palos, the Islas Hormigas Marine Reserve is incredible below the surface. Close to the shore the bottom drops to more than 1 km / 3280 ft, creating an interesting sea bed. From shipwrecks to sea horse reproduction program, all is explained at the Visitor Center or Center of Interpretation of Cabo de Palos.
While I was here to SCUBA dive the Islas Hormigas Marine Reserve I was really curious about why this area is so special. Amelia Canovas who is a oceanographer and dive instructor gave us the guided tour explaining all about the shipwrecks, bottom structure and reason for the marine biodiversity. There is a lot of history in Europe, beneath the surface you can find even more.
If you like books, have a look around at their impressive collection. From SCUBA diving books to underwater archaeology and marine biology, all is there to observe. In less than one hour you will have seen it all, depending on if you follow the guide or go at your own pace when he/she explains things in Spanish. If you are diving at this beautiful spot the visitor center is worth it for background information.

Inside the visitor center of Cabo de Palos, Spain.
The visitor center is located in the harbour of Cabo de Palos. It is next to the Blue Planet Diving & Nature / Planeta Azul Buceo y Naturaleza on the Paseo Dimas Ortega, 24. You can buy your tickets here.
The fee is 3 Euro for a tour guide explaining everything in Spanish and some parts translated in English. In high season there are scheduled tours at 19:00, the rest of the year you can make an appointment. There is a minimum of 6 people needed for a tour on appointment, you can contact Blue Planet Diving to check their schedule.
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