Online Learning to become a dive instructor?
Online Learning for your Dive Instructor Course: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
In an era of digitization and gathering information online it is no surprise that even SCUBA diving courses can be done partly online. Various advantages and disadvantages are present, especially when it comes to professional dive courses, like becoming a SCUBA diving instructor. How to find out what is the best option for you?

PADI Course Director Dan Robinson
To answer this question I asked advice from a person who teaches people to become SCUBA diving instructors.
With PADI the teacher is called a PADI Course Director and the course to become a dive instructor is called a PADI IDC (Instructor Development Course). Read more about PADI IDC courses.
Dan Robinson was a PADI Course Director in the Philippines with experience in teaching both forms. He believed in both, with an interesting twist…
Unfortunately Dan Robinson died from a massive stroke on 11/09/17. As the contribution he did is still of value we leave it for you to read with respect.

Dan giving a classroom presentation during a PADI IDC.
The Good: When online learning works for students
"I prefer to sell Online to candidates and get them to work through PADI’s Diving Knowledge Workbook and the Instructions for Use for the Recreational Dive Planners. I like to get them through a couple of sets each of Theory and PADI Systems, Standards and Procedures Exams, plus four EFRI Knowledge Reviews and Exam, all before the PADI IDC. Then we have Theory class discussions and sufficient sets of exams so they are (and I am) confident of passing the first time."The Bad: When online learning does not work for students
"In fact classroom teaching of Dive Theory has never been part of a PADI IDC. It used to be covered in full on PADI Divemaster Courses until 2009, then it was "dumbed-down" in 2010, leaving a significant gap between PADI Divemaster and the Instructor Examination. Not being successful on Written Exams, particularly Dive Theory, is one of the main reasons people do not pass the dive instructor examination.
Failed PADI dive theory exam
"In order to be successful on a set of Dive Theory Exams, a candidate must score at least 75 per cent. on each of the five subjects individually: Physics; Physiology; Recreational Dive Planner; General Skills and Environment; Equipment. On the Instructor Exam theory paper, only 12 questions are given for each topic, so each question counts for over 8%.
A PADI IDC candidate making four errors on one subject may remake that single topic on the second day of their IE. If a candidate achieves under 75% on two subjects, they do not pass the IE and need to attend a second and pay a resit fee that is over 40% of the full IE fee."
The ugly: When online learning is preferred but it does not work
"Digital learning is not the preference of every candidate. Information technology literacy is sadly sometimes not so high in some of the markets in which I operate.For instance, I have had a candidate opening his very first laptop in my classroom, with no Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe pdf software, which may not be so bad, but some people still need physical print-outs of, say, the latest version of the PADI Instructor Manual. I have also had candidates who purchased e-Learning and, for whatever reason, did not complete it."
Is Online learning more expensive?
"There are two separate options for digital learning: Dive Theory Online and PADI IDC e-Learning. These are in addition to the physical Crew Pack each candidate must purchase as it is the only way to get the hologram that must be stuck to their Instructor Certificate of Completion for an Instructor Examiner to allow them to participate in an IE.If candidates are bright, knowledgeable, accustomed to sitting exams and to dealing with stress, then they may not need to purchase digital learning. If any of these do not apply, then they may prefer to spend some extra money on digital learning to increase their chance of succeeding at PADI IDC and being allowed to sit an IE. Digital learning materials are distinct from those in Crew Packs."
What is your opinion about online learning when doing a SCUBA diving instructor course?
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"

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