How It's Made Dive Gear Videos
Curious about how SCUBA diving gear is made? We have listed some detailed videos of how dive equipment is created step-by-step. Discover how SCUBA masks and fins, dive computers, regulators, BCDs, dive tanks, underwater housings, SCUBA diving lights and wetsuits are made in 8 videos.
- How SCUBA Masks & Fins Are Made
- How Wetsuits are Made
- How Dive Tanks Are Made
- How Dive Regulators Are Made
- How BCDs Are Made
- How Dive Computers Are Made
- How SCUBA Diving Lights Are Made
- How Underwater Video Housings Are Made
1. How SCUBA Masks & Fins Are Made
CRESSI - Discover why you should not plunge in the water face first
Diving masks and fins are the basics of SCUBA diving and snorkeling / free diving. Maybe the first items you have bought when getting into diving or planning a trip to a dive destination. Learn about the features and functionalities of diving masks and fins in this video explaining how CRESSI fins and masks are made.
Source: How Its Made Season 28 episode 12 Diving Masks & Fins, by How Its Made.
2. How Wetsuits are Made
SNUGG - Discover how custom made neoprene wetsuits are put together
Wetsuits keep you warm by insulation, by trapping a layer of water in between your skin and wetsuit. SNUGG wetsuits are tailor made in the UK. Learn about all the steps in the process. Are you cool or hot?! Test it in this SCUBA Quiz about Wetsuits and learn more about wetsuit selection.
Source: Wet Suits | How It's Made, by Science Channel.
3. How Dive Tanks Are Made
Catalina Cylinders- Discover crash tests and careful inspections in the process of making dive tanks
Dive cylinders need to be pressure proof, as easy as that. How to do this is a different story. Watch how a dive tank is made starting from a solid aluminum rod.
Check your knowledge about pressure in this
SCUBA Quiz about Pressure, Density and Volume.
Source: Making an aluminium SCUBA tank, by Stephen Burton.
4. How Dive Regulators Are Made
SCUBAPRO - Can you keep up with the number of parts that are used for one regulator?
If you ever wondered why a regulator is one of the most expensive parts of standard dive equipment, watch this video and learn what is involved in the process of making one. Taking good care of a regulator obviously extends the lifespan but it also can prevent unnecessary repairs or malfunctions. How to Rinse your Regulator - 10 Tips
Source: SCUBAPRO - How Regulators are Made, by SCUBAPRO.
5. How BCDs Are Made
Aqua Lung - Discover a new way of clearing your sinuses
Watch all the different testing machines for BCD parts and how they use a 3D printer in the process of designing new products. Sign me up for one of those test dives! From 4:30 you can discover how the BCDs are actually made in the factory in Mexico.
Source: Aqua Lung Bcd factory tour, by Aqua Master Thailand.
6. How Dive Computers Are Made
CRESSI - Discover how a wrist mounted dive computer is fabricated
'A dive computer is a diver's best friend. It measures the time and depth of a dive so a safe ascent can be calculated to avoid decompression sickness.'
This is not the full video but I think it gives a good impression of how dive computers are made.
Source: Dive Computer | How It's Made, by Science Channel.
7. How SCUBA Diving Lights Are Made
SOLA - The process of creating a dive light, diving torch or dive lamp
Did you know you are advised not to say torch at airport security in the US? Dive light or lamp covers it all without the risk of being misunderstood.
This video explains the steps from designing the shape of a dive light suitable for, well yeah of course, diving to assembling and testing the final products.
Source: How Its Made Season 24 episode 6 Scuba Diving Lights, made by How Its Made.
8. How Its Made Underwater Video Housings
Light & Motion - Discover why an underwater video housing can be more expensive than the camera itself
Capturing the undersea world is on many divers' minds. The more you get into it, the 'better' equipment you often want as your knowledge and experience grows.
When watching this underwater video housing being made you will probably understand why those houses are not sold for a few hundred dollars...
Source: 1200 Underwater Video Housings, made by How Its Made.
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