5 Awesome Dive & Snorkel Adventures around the World!

Are you looking for some real special dives? How about night diving without a light or helping turtles? No special certification required, just an adventurous mind!
Since the SCUBA diving industry is growing the business is evolving as well. Dive centres all around the world come up with new and disruptive special dives for you to experience. From fluorescent night diving to a combination of skydiving before plunging in the water to SCUBA dive. On the other had marine scientist discover natural wonders which any SCUBA diver can observe while other marine life species need a helping hand to survive for future generations.We have collected 5 awesome dives you should do once in your SCUBA diver life! It does not matter if you are on Bonaire (Dutch Caribbean), there are many places were you can do the following special dives. On the other hand, Bonaire has got them all and the quality and circumstances are good! Collect them all!

A few days after full moon a phenomena happens underwater in the Caribbean Sea; Underwater fireworks by tiny creatures called Ostracods! You need to be ready to dive in complete darkness (without a dive light). It can be the most romantic dive ever but you need to plan it the right way, at the right time and at the right spot. This post will tell you exactly how to plan a Ostracod dive on Bonaire. Read it here: WATCHING THE OSTRACODS GLOW ON BONAIRE!
2. Snorkeling in a Mangrove Forest!

Mangrove forests offer a shelter for young marine life species, like an underwater nursery. beautiful colored sponges, tiny fish and upside-down jellyfish can be spotted easily while snorkeling in a kayak forest like the one on Bonaire. The people of the Mangrove Information Center on Bonaire are well aware of all the risks of this fragile ecosystem and they take good care. Read it here: Snorkeling in a Mangrove Forest on Bonaire!

3. SCUBA Dive for FREE & Help the Turtles!

Everybody loves a clean ocean I guess. Who wants to dive in a dump yard of trash anyway? The truth is there is a lot of debris in the ocean. A lot of it is laying at a shallow depth, also in the coral reef itself. Many pieces of plastic are mistaken for food by marine life and end up in their stomach. Many dive centers organize a clean-up around the world and you can join them. On Bonaire dive center Dive Friends Bonaire organizes an underwater clean-up four times a year. Read it here: SCUBA Dive for FREE & Help the Turtles on Bonaire!
4. Fluorescent Night Diving!

Imagine yourself diving in a psychedelic rave party underwater searching for fluorescent critters and mind-blowing corals! Fluorescent night diving was absolutely stunning! Just like a neon scene from the movie Avatar. UV night diving explained + simple photography tips and camera settings. Read it here: New Dive Experience: Fluorescent Night Diving on Bonaire!
5. Counting fish in the name of science!

There is an ongoing underwater monitoring project in the Dutch Caribbean which you can join. The only thing you need to do is count some fish! How cool! Learn how to monitor marine life, how to ID marine life and which resources are really useful to know 'what fish' you saw underwater. Read it here: Counting fish in the name of science on Bonaire!
Have you done any of these awesome dives? How was it?
Or maybe you have another one to share, please do!!!
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Marlies Wolters
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"
Founder of Dive O'Clock "It's dive o'clock somewhere!"

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