Dive O'Clock is an online business for SCUBA diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. Visitors can learn about and compare different dive destinations, marine life species and dive education with a strong focus on conservation. For aspiring recreational dive professionals there is a special PRO website (www.diveoclockpro.com) with a search engine for divemaster and dive instructor courses.
Dive O'Clock's vision is to spread the love for the underwater world in order to protect it. The company’s mission is to inspire and motivate people in the field of dive travel, education and conservation through their website, email and social media channels.
Marlies Wolters, owner of Dive O'Clock, is a passionate and experienced PADI IDC Staff instructor with thousands of dives and 10+ years of professional dive experience. She has been travelling around the world full time over the last few years to explore the best dive locations and to share her passion and knowledge with her readers and followers.
With extensive management experience as well as degrees in Leisure Management and International Business she is also an expert regarding helping SCUBA businesses to grow their businesses. By consulting in the broad field of online presentation focused on this niche expertise in customer experience and analyses, social media management, web design, photo editing / graphic design and more is shared.
Dive O'Clock also offers dive trips for groups and individuals focusing on marine conservation and education. With this step Dive O'Clock will become a one-stop-shop for divers and snorkelers around the globe.
“It’s dive o'clock somewhere!”
About Marlies

Her diving adventure started with a try dive in a swimming pool in The Netherlands, over 10 years ago. She just loved the feeling of being weightless underwater! After the first 100 dives in the cold and often murky waters in The Netherlands she got her first 'proper' clear and warm water dive around Mallorca (Spain) - that was the tipping point - her passion was born!
Course after course followed to become a PADI divemaster to be able to work abroad in tropical water with colorful coral reefs! After working as a divemaster in Hawaii and the Netherlands she did her PADI IDC (dive instructor course) in Thailand. As a PADI OWSI dive instructor, later MSDT and IDC Staff, she worked in Thailand, The Maldives, The Philippines and Indonesia. On the other hand she still loves diving and teaching in The Netherlands as well. Her mission is to inspire and empower people about marine conservation through education and recreation.
The last dive course she did was Advanced Nitrox with Technical Diving International (TDI).
Three dive dreams on her bucket list: Socorro in Mexico, Wolf & Darwin in the Galapagos and Polar diving in Antarctica.
What She Can Offer You
After diving with and working for various dive centers around the world she has a lot of experience and knowledge to grow your business. By visiting and in-depth reviewing your business, she can promote your dive center, dive resort, dive trips, liveaboard, dive safaris and other tours. By analyzing your website and/or social media channels, she will be able to spot bugs and opportunities from a consumer and professional standpoint. If you are interested in getting more out of your website, social media or dive center in general, simply contact Marlies for a chat.
We also help students with projects and graduation research opportunities.
Email to marlies@diveoclock.com for more info.